General Information

Boy Scouts
General information relating to Scouting

100 Years of Scouting- a Quiz star
In 2010 the Boy Scouts of America celebrates its 100th birthday. Take this quiz to see what you know about the history of Scouting in America.

A Mom’s Look at Scouting star
A mom reviews some of the Scouting experiences she had with her sons.

A Scout Leader’s Duty- Protect and Challenge star
Two duties of a Scout leader are to protect and challenge the boys in our units.

Alternate Requirements for Special Needs Scouts star
A discussion of the process for determining alternative requirements for advancement for Scouts with special needs.

Blood- Nothing to be Scared About star
A brief discussion of blood, its parts and types

Boy Scout Training- Training Leaders star
Trained leaders are essential for a good Scout program

Boy Scouts- 100 Years Old star
At a summer camp on Brownsea Island 100 years ago, Robert Baden-Powell began the worldwide Scouting program. See how the 100th birthday is being celebrated.

Boy Scouts- Giving and Receiving star
A year of giving and receiving as the Boy Scout editor

BSA Youth Protection- Bi-Annual Checkup star
I just took the on-line BSA YPT program (passed the test, by the way)and learned again why Youth Protection Training is necessary to help protect our young men.

BSA’s 100th Anniversary star
The 100th anniversary of Scouting in the US is well under way. Learn about the kick-off audiocast, the logo competition and the 100th anniversary patches.

Bullying Revisited- Still a Major Problem star
Although there has been much discussion on the subject, bullying is still a major problem in schools, in Scouts and on-line.

Bullying- A Problem Not Just in Scouting star
What is bullying and what forms does it take? What are some bullying myths?

Bullying- What Is It? star
What is bullying? What are the different styles of bullying? Are you or is your child a bully?

Can you solve the puzzle? star
We challenge our Scouts to think "outside the box." Can you solve the puzzle?

Celebrating 2010 star
Reflecting on the past decade and how I became the Boy Scout editor for BellaOnLine.

Closing a Scouting Experience star
A look at six years as the BellaOnLine Boy Scout editor and some of the highlights.

Color Guard- Another Chance to Serve and Learn star
A District Color Guard is a great way to allow Scouts to learn more about our country and our history, participate in events they would otherwise not be able to attend, provide service to our community.

Eagle certificate and no “God.” star
An Eagle Scout was denied a certificate to accompany the flag flown over the Capitol in honor of his grandfather because the wording in the certificate contained the word "God."

Extra Large Full Moon Lights Campsites star
Why did the moon seem larger and brighter on December 12, 2008. Some interesting moon facts.

Flag Day and Flag Etiquette star
The American flag and flag etiquette are discussed. There is also a related quiz.

Flour-de-leis Ring, a Great Scouting Present star
A black tungsten carbide ring with a flour-de-leis could make a great gift for someone in Scouting.

How Much Is a Trillion? star
The "bailout" and "stimulus" packages were nearly a trillion dollars each. How much is a trillion?

Issues Flying the American Flag star
The American flag is the symbol of our country but some people are having difficulty displaying the flag. They are not having a problem displaying it properly. They are having a problem displaying it at all.

Lead Paint- a Problem? star
The Scout office recently recalled 1.5 million Cub Scout badges because the paint on the badges contained too much lead. Is this a reaction or an over reaction to a lead paint issue?

Lyme Disease- Cause, Symptoms and Treatment star
Lyme disease is often to detect so treatment is often missed for some periods of time. Learn how to prevent the disease, the symptoms and the treatment.

Martin High Lip Dub and Bullying star
Bullying is a significant factor that the youth of today need to cope with. Martin High School is trying to change the climate of the school to discourage bullying through the Rachel's Challenge and a 12 minute lip dub.

Meteor Shower, Eclipse End the Decade star
The best Christmas light show may not be driving around the neighborhood. The Geminids meteor shower and a total lunar eclipse occur between December 13 and December 21, 2010.

Meteoroids, Meteors and Meteorites star
A recent fireball over Texas helps us learn about meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites.

New Adult Application and Youth Protection star
Why the new adult application and Youth Protection training are important in Scouting.

New Year- new goals star
Dreams are often different from goals. Reaching Scouting goals can help us reach other goals.

Night Skies of the Fall star
A brief discussion of the night skies that can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere in late September- the constellations in the sky and instruction on how to locate the North Star.

Nobama at the Jamboree star
President Obama and the California Democrats have better things to do than wish the Boy Scouts of America a happy 100th birthday

On My Honor … in Sports star
On my honor... is part of the Scout Oath that we say each week. Does it carry forward to our daily lives? Does it carry forward to sports? Professional sports? Recently there was an example of honor above winning and it is worth a second look.

Philmont in Ireland? star
The bike ride through the Gap of Dunloe in Ireland reminded me of a trek up the mountains at Philmont.

Pope Recognizes Scouting's 100th Birthday star
In a recent letter to the archbishop of Bordeaux the Pope praised the benefits of Scouting.

Retiring an American Flag star
A soiled or torn American flag should not be flown. What is the proper way to retire an American flag?

School Days Safety Begins Again star
With the beginning of a new school year safety procedures in school zones and while driving bear reviewing

Scout Knot Tying Simplified star
Tying knots is important in Scouting because it can teach a basic skill and develop a pattern for facing difficult situations.

Scout Sunday…Duty to God star
Scout Sunday and a creative way to work on a religious award

Scout Volunteers and the Council star
Some councils treat volunteers as a necessary evil; some treat volunteers as keys to success of the Scouting program. Which of these describes you council's relationship with volunteers?

Scout Volunteers and the Council star
Some councils treat volunteers as a necessary evil; some treat volunteers as keys to success of the Scouting program. Which of these describes you council's relationship with volunteers?

Scout Volunteers and the Council star
Some councils treat volunteers as a necessary evil; some treat volunteers as keys to success of the Scouting program. Which of these describes you council's relationship with volunteers?

Scouting Has a New Uniform star
The new Scout uniform brings a new look, new colors and new functionality to Scouting.

Scouting Should Be Fun!! star
Although we as leaders are teaching important skills to our Scouts, it is important to remember that Scouting should be fun!

Scouting- A Second Point of View star
A fellow Camp Alliquippa camp staffer looks back at Scouting and one significant experience he had at a recent Jamboree.

Seeing at Night- Tips and Understanding star
If you understand how the eye works- rods, cones, rhodopsin, intensity of light- you can learn to "see" your way better at night. Also some tips on improving your night vision.

Speeding Ticket in the Christmas Spirit star
Sansom Park police give out Tickets for Tots instead of citations.

Swapping Boy Scout Patches star
Swapping patches as a part of Boy Scout life

The New Year- Resolutions and Reflections star
As the new year begins reflections on the past help set goals for the future.

The Night Sky and Beyond star
See planets, constellations, galaxies and more through the World Wide Telescope

The Super Moon and Moving the Earth star
The Vernal Equinox, the Super Moon and a shift of the earth on its axis all occur in one week in March 2011.

The United States One Dollar Bill star
Do you think you know the meaning of the symbols on a US one dollar bill?

Traditions in Scouting and Your Troop star
Scouting traditions world wide and the importance of developing some traditions within your unit.

Understanding the Meaning of Freedom star
A word of thanks to our veterans and a school teacher helps her students understand the meaning of freedom.

Vernal Equinox- the First Day of Spring star
The vernal equinox has played a role in shaping our calendar, helping us determine direction and in our religions.

Viewing the Perseid Meteor Shower star
Some tips about watching the Perseid meteor shower and some interesting information about the Perseus constellation.

What is a Council International Representative? star
Learn what a Council International Representative is and how your council could benefit by having someone in that position.

White Buffalo Born in Texas Fulfills a Prophecy? star
A white buffalo was recently born in Texas. Is this a step in the fulfillment of the Lakota Cheyenne legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman?

Wildfires- a Real Danger We Can Prevent star
While some of the country has an overabundance of rain and water, much of the country is suffering from extreme drought. Drought conditions and high temperatures provide an excellent setting for wildfires. People cause most wildfires. With some precautions we can prevent many of these.

…to keep myself physically strong- safely star
Some safety ideas to consider while staying (or getting) in shape

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New National Registration Fee Increase
Are pocket showers allowed at Philmont
Daughters can camp on Boy Scout trip?

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