Make a difference

A Daughter With A Voice
A Daughter - The female offspring of the human species; a female child of any age. Would you like to see what type of daughter you have? Know what daughters grew to change the world? Moreover, what women changed your daughter’s life and even yours? Take this journey with me to see.
A Resolution That Can't Be Broken
What if you could make a resolution and not actually break it! What if in that same process you had the secret that would guarantee that you keep it? Check out the ultimate resolution that can't be broken!
Back To School Preparation
How many different thoughts pass through your mind when the words “going back to school” come to mind? Here are a few thoughts that I’m sure will sound familiar as well as a few suggestions on how to make school preparation easier for you and your daughter.
Bullying At It's Best
Picture the world without bullies. We would all love to be a part of that world. Bullying can occur in any context, which may include school, workplace, cyber, family, church, and neighborhoods. Here you will find several helpful tips and links to help stop, recognize, and/or prevent bullying.
Bullying Resources
This is Part II of the "Bullying At It's Best" article. I encourage all to use this as a tool for several levels of bullying when bullying continues or gets worse.
Daughters Making A Difference
Making a difference in your daughter and encouraging her to make a difference in others.
Daughters of America
The sacrifice "Daughters of America" have made for their country during wartime and peacetime. Thank you for serving your country honorably!
Getting Involved And Staying Involved
Being involved in your daughter’s life has rewards. It includes memories, great conversations, a deeper relationship with your daughter, and the chance to watch her grow into a healthy and responsible adult.
Check out tips to get involved and stay involved. And a few tips for yourself as well.
Grandparents The New Superhero
The ever-changing face of a modern family. “Grandparent’s”as we know, are best, known for, spoiling, baking, and letting you eat all you want when you come over. What happens when a visit turns into a stay?
How Daughters Are Making A Difference
Making a difference in your daughter and encouraging her to make a difference in others. And see how one thing effects the whole world.
How To End Summer With A Blast
With summer coming to the end, it makes you wonder, where did all the fun in the sun go? It also makes you wonder how you are going to wrap your head around whatever summer ending brings with it. Check out tips that will not only make ending summer a blast, but a tip that will be life changing.
How To Get Involved In Your Daughters Life
Being involved in your daughter’s life has rewards. It includes memories, great conversations, a deeper relationship with your daughter, and the chance to watch your daughter grow into a healthy and responsible adult.
Check out steps to get involved.
How To Give The Best Gift For The Season
Tis the season to be jolly! What if you I gave you a tip that happens to be one of the best gift ideas, would you use it? What if this gift could change your daughters life as you know it! Check out a gift you won't regret!
How To Have A Vacation On A Budget
Traveling to a tropical resort isn't your only option for vacation is it. This summer plan a staycation and hang out in your own backyard or within the walls of your own home. Do you want to know how to cut flight or cruise cost in half. See how you can enjoy summer and vacation on a budget.
How To Help With Career Choices
Have you ever asked your daughter what she wants to be when she grows up. Take a look at how you as the parent can help your daughter identify interests and explore careers as early as preschool. Also, check out tips that could help you brunch up on your own career.
How To Live With Purpose
Why are you here? Do you think you have purpose? Do you know what's expected of you in life? Check out how to know your purpose and how to help find out someone else's.
How To Make Love Last
Check out tips for giving the gift of love that will make appreciating this time of year a pleasure for anyone – especially if you have a daughter. You’ll even find tips that make being single something to talk about. The best gift you can give is the gift of love! Also, see how to make it last.
How To Say Thank You To Your Daughter
Writing a letter of thanks to your daughter is another way of saying “I love you” the creative way. Now imagine writing a letter and actually changing someones life. Check out the power of four words.
How To Think Like A Girl And Become A Lady
Girls will live free and laugh hard. A lady makes changes and statements with style. See how the two meet and make history in the process.
I Believe In Myself
I believe I can change the world. I believe I can make a difference in people. I believe that if I make a difference in myself, I am changing the world. I believe in myself!
I Can Do Anything
I am strong, I am confident, and I can do anything I set my mind to. I am a daughter! I also, know the key to knowledge and success!
Raising A Leader
You are a hero. You have the will to empower. Check out the opportunity to grow with your daughter as you prepare her to lead. The results, amazing relationship with your daughter and hidden talents along the way.
Rediscovering Yourself In The New Year
Reflection and rediscovering on what everything has brought me and what I've learned from the old year. It leaves me wondering what I would like to do differently in the New Year. Take a look at rediscovering and new beginnings.
Superheroes And Dads
We all know that a father is a son’s first hero but did you know that a father is a daughter’s first love and hero. He may not be a super hero but he is super. Let's see how we all may have a little superhero in us! And see if your dad is really superman! Let's compare!
Thank You Servicemen And Women
The sacrifice "Servicewomen" have made for their country during wartime and peacetime. Thank you for serving your country honorably!
The Best Gift Idea
Tis the season to be jolly! What if I gave you a tip that happens to be one of the best gift ideas, would you use it? What if this gift could change your daughters life as you know it! Or maybe change your life? Check out a gift idea you won't regret!
Things That Matter Most
What are some of the things that really matter in your life? How about rocks, pebbles and sand. Check out how a pocket full of rocks makes a big difference in your life.
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