Manijeh Badiozamani
Manijeh Badiozamani is a literary non-fiction writer. She writes mostly about her experiences growing up in Tehran, Iran, where she was born. Her short stories and articles have been published in magazines, anthologies and on the Web. She is a retired professor of English, and is currently working on a collection of short stories: "Family Tales from Tehran". |
Judy Belben
Judith Belben was born in Boston in 1960. Here her passion for photography began. She has traveled through the country and is inspired by nature, historic resources, and architecture. She has accumulated over 30 awards and juried gallery selections since 2012. She is Secretary of the Blackstone Valley Art Association and a member of the Franklin Art Association, WAP, 7HCC, and Greater Boston Night Photographers. Her approach to photography is to paint a picture with the camera and keep it real. |
Mark Berkerey
Mark was born to itinerant Irish parents which set the scene for a restless life. Like the Gypsy, he couldn´t accept the moribund values of a soulless society, what passed for important or posed as spiritual. The resulting roller-coaster of experience and inner conflict eventually gave way to a love of the simple sense of nature that he now lives - the best he can - as a form of meditation. He expresses his ongoing exploration of nature´s spiritual value through his writing and pictures at www.beingmark.com |
Virginia Lee Bliss
Virginia Lee Bliss lives in Massachusetts and has been writing for eight years. Her special writing interests include poetry, 1930s-40s historical fiction and stories about Scotland and Poland. Her biography and access to her works can be accessed here:
Carole Bouchard
Carole Bouchard is a self-taught photographer with a deep passion for this art form. Though she had an interest in this medium for many years, it was digital photography that fired her creativity. Fortuitous meetings with on-line friends and mentors pointed the way to more creative experiments. She particularly enjoys macro photography of nature subjects and the magic of water reflections. You can see more of her work at www.carolebouchard.smugmug.com. Carole lives in Groton, MA. |
Christine Catalano
Christine likes to take photographs and play with them on the computer. She dedicates her work to her muse and longtime friend, who passed away recently. |
Kersten Christianson
Kersten Christianson is a raven-watching, moon-gazing, high school English-teaching Alaskan. Currently she is pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing/Poetry through University of Alaska Anchorage. Kersten co-edits the quarterly journal, Alaska Women Speak and is a member of Blue Canoe Writers in Sitka, Alaska. Her poetry has appeared in Cirque, Tidal Echoes, Alaska Women Speak, and We’Moon. |
Linda M. Crate
Linda M. Crate is a Pennsylvanian native born in Pittsburgh, and raised in the rural town of Conneautville. Her poetry, short stories, reviews, and articles have appeared in a myriad of magazines both online and in print. Her novel Amethyst Epiphany is forthcoming from Assent Publishing under their imprint Phantasm Books. To find more of her writing you can follow her on facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Linda-M-Crate/129813357119547. |
Melissa Davis
Melissa Davis is a writer and teacher. She has had work published with journals such as Leaves of Ink, Fiction on the Web, and The Commonline Journal. Her website is http://www.melissadavisauthor.com/. |
Murray Dunlap
Murray Dunlap´s work has appeared in countless magazines and journals. His stories have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize three times, as well as to Best New American Voices. His new book, Fires, will be published on June 7th, 2015. The extraordinary individuals Pam Houston, Michael Knight, and Fred Ashe taught him the art of writing.
See www.murraydunlap.com ... |
Bob Evans
A late-comer to art photography, Bob spent his early career working in engineering. He finds that creating something from nothing gives a tremendous rush. Bob strongly believes in taking the subject ‘as-is’ - no posing, no moving of the subject matter. It is capturing the essential essence of the subject matter that is vital to him. As well as photography, Bob is also a keen sculptor and abstract painter. Visit ArckArts.com or follow on FaceBook. |
Angela Williams Glenn
Angela Glenn has spent eleven years as an English teacher. She loves writing and writes often about parenting and motherhood on her website Stepping into Motherhood at http://glennbabies.blogspot.com. Her book; Moms, Monsters, Media, & Margaritas, examines the perceptions and expectations of the 21st Century mother. She lives with her husband and two daughters and enjoys just trying to make the most of everyday. |
Christine Green
Christine Green is a writer and personal assistant in NY. She has been published in Story Bleed, Genesee Valley Parent, aaduna, the Democrat and Chronicle, the American Cancer Society’s Choose You Blog, Healthy Urban Kitchen, Germ Magazine, The Light Ekphrastic, & Naptime Notebook. She has essays in Mother Muse as well as Motherly Musings. She hosts a monthly literary reading in Brockport, NY. You can learn more about Christine at sites.google.com/site/christinegreenwrites/home. |
Vanessa J. Horn
Vanessa Horn started writing in 2012, during a sabbatical year from her job as a Junior School Teacher. She has had several successes in short story competitions and at the moment is working on two full-length novels: one for adults and one for younger children. Now spending equal amounts of time on teaching and writing, she feels she has achieved the ideal working week! |
Arwen Lynch-Poe
Writing since she was old enough to realize verbs and nouns created word pictures, Arwen uses poetry as a creative opener when she is stuck. She teaches writing using Tarot as an extension of her 30+ years as a Tarot consultant. |
Billy Manas
Billy Manas studied English a long time ago at the State University Of New York at New Paltz, but decided to forego a career in teaching after he realized that he wanted to persue a career in Rock n Roll. Two decades later when he finally faced the fact that he was not rich and famous yet, he learned how to drive a tractor trailer and spends his free time writing poetry and being a dad. |
JeanMarie Olivieri
JeanMarie lives with a fat cat in Durham, NC, within commuting distance of family. An active member of the local poetry scene, she can often be found at Open Mic events. She believes that poetry can change the world one reader or listener at a time. For more of her writing, visit her at http://jeanmarieolivieri.wordpress.com/. |
Erin Popelka
After living in Washington, DC and McMurdo Station, Antarctica, Erin Popelka now makes her home in Oregon. Her writing has been published by Johnny America, The Berkeley Fiction Review, Page & Spine, and The Tower Journal, among others, and is forthcoming from Main Street Rag. Read more of her published work at www.erinpopelka.com.
Darryn offers original paintings that are vibrant and truly unique! His art—although emotionally uplifting—tackles topics of educational, environmental, and socio-political relevance. His style ranges from Modern Contemporary to Abstract Surrealism.
To view more of Darryn´s work visit his website.
http://www.raeart.page.tl |
Richard Schnap
Richard Schnap is a poet, songwriter and collagist living in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. His poems have most recently appeared locally, nationally
and overseas in a variety of print and online publications. |
Donna Sciandra
Donna has always been adventurous and loved to travel. She spent two years in Jamaica (as a teacher trainer in Kingston) and five years in the Solomon Islands on Guadalcanal (as a Community Developer in a rain forest living in a leaf house) with the Peace Corps. Donna is now a retired elementary school teacher who is enjoying her “free” time traveling and photographing North America. |
Andrew R. Sciandra
Andrew is a retired Alternative High School Art Teacher. |
Bob See
Bob See has been actively interested in photography for many years. He enjoys taking images of wildlife and landscapes. Bob can be reached at his golfing site at http://enjoyma.com/golf/. |
Lisa Shea
Born in Maryland, Lisa Shea has been contentedly nestled in the rolling hills and mossy forests of central Massachusetts since 1995. She is drawn to the ocean and cherishes quiet evenings as the orange glow of sunset glistens across wooden docks. Lisa relishes the challenge of conveying meaning and memorable characters in a measured bounding of time and space. Her stories, poems, and images celebrate natural beauty and serenity. Enjoy thousands of her photos at http://www.lisashea.com |
Patty Somlo
Patty Somlo has received four Pushcart Prize nominations and one for storySouth’s Million Writers Award. She had an essay selected as Notable by Best American Essays 2014. Author of From Here to There and Other Stories, Somlo´s next book, Hairway to Heaven Stories, is forthcoming from Cherry Castle Publishing in January 2017. Her work has appeared in the Los Angeles Review, the Santa Clara Review, and WomenArts Quarterly, among others, and in sixteen anthologies. pattysomlo.com. |
Florentina Staigers
Florentina Staigers is a social justice attorney with a background in sociology, as well as a student in the non-fiction MFA program at the University of New Orleans. She has published opinion pieces regarding race and civil rights issues in major newspapers such as the The Cleveland Plain Dealer and The Times-Picayune. She has also been published in Lunch Ticket and Drunk Monkeys. You can find out more about her at insight-outdevelopment.com. |
Julie VanDeKreke
Julie L. Scharf is a lover and writer of creative nonfiction, and has published over several short stories, essays, and poems. She is the author of short CNF pieces titled The Train of Bobby´s Life, Remnants, and Signals. Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, she now resides in Colorado. |
Ann Waller
Making her first ocean voyage at the age of five, Ann is an inveterate traveler. Her wanderlust has taken her to various parts of the U.S., Canada, both coasts of Mexico, the islands of the Caribbean, England, France, Portugal, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Monaco, Croatia, Montenegro, China, Hong Kong, and Ukraine. She has a particular fondness for Italy and has returned at least a dozen times to explore the country from the tip of the Alps to the southern shores of Sicily. |
Bonnie West
Bonnie West´s stories and essays have appeared in numerous publications, including The Minetta Review, The Talking Stick, Women´s Day, Redbook Magazine, The Austin Chronicle, and two anthologies, Still Going Strong and The Ultimate Dog Lover. She has published a bilingual Japanese/English children´s book, Hideki and Kenji Save the Day in collaboration with Diane Carter. Her collection of short stories, BOYFRIENDS will be published in 2015 by InkTears. She can be reached at www.bonniewest.net |
Jody Zolli
Jody Zolli has enjoyed writing poetry since she was seven. Poetry runs in the family, though, as both her mother and grandmother wrote poetry, and had a knack for doggerel verse. Jody has enjoyed being a technical writer for thirty years, and feels it is the perfect marriage between creative writing and engineering. |
Peggy Barnes Peggy Barnes submitted the work "Assisted Living". |
Judith a. Belben Judith a. Belben submitted the works "Bradford Pear Tree Blossom", "Great Egret in Rhode Island", "Heron Under Moon" and "Wild Turkey". |
Malinda Bishop Malinda Dunlap Fillingim wrote her first story at about age five. This literary masterpiece was about mud pies and contained the following words: Mud good. Cake btr. She lives near the beach in Wilmington, NC and teaches ESL to adults at a local community college. |
Mandy Alyss Brown Mandy Alyss Brown submitted the work "A Sailor´s Wife". |
Sue Ellis Sue Ellis submitted the work "Saying Goodbye". |
Zdravka Evtimova Zdravka Evtimova works a translator of English, French, and German. Her story collections are: “Bitter Sky”, SKREV Press, UK, 2003, “Somebody Else” MAG Press, USA, 2005, “Miss Daniella”, SKREV Press, UK 2007, “Pale and Other Postmodern Bulgarian Stories”, Vox Humana, Canada/Israel, 2010, and “Pale and Other Postmodern Bulgarian Stories”, Vox Humana Publishing Israel/Canada. Zdravka lives with her husband and three children in Pernik, Bulgaria. |
Laurie Kolp Laurie Kolp is an avid runner, lover of nature, mother of three, and wife to former Marine who enjoys living life one day at a time in Southeast Texas. She is the author of Upon the Blue Couch (Winter Goose Publishing, 2014) and Hello It’s Your Mother (Finishing Line Press, October 2015). You can find out more about Laurie on her website, http://lauriekolp.com.
Martha Landman Martha Landman submitted the work "That City Calls My Name". |
Judith Salz Judith Salz submitted the work "What Does Old Feel Like?". |
Ophelia Sikes Ophelia Sikes finds that the more she travels, the more she realizes how much we are all alike. We have the same needs, dreams, heartaches, despairs, and hopes. She hopes her images share the beauty that lies all around us. Ophelia’s novels are at OpheliaSikes.com. |
Margaret A. Trapnell Margaret Ann Trapnell is just rediscovering her creative abilities . Her interests include calligraphy, drawing with coloured pencils as well as writing (painting) religious icons. Margaret will be retiring from full-time employment next year when she hopes to be able to devote more time to her creative endeavours. |
Joanna M. Weston JOANNA M. WESTON. Married; has two cats, multiple spiders, a herd of deer, and two derelict hen-houses. Her middle-reader, ‘Those Blue Shoes´, published by Clarity House Press; and poetry, ‘A Summer Father’, published by Frontenac House of Calgary. Her eBook, ‘The Willow Tree Girl’ at her blog: http://www.1960willowtree.wordpress.com/ |